Morning Glory Turned Night Hawk
BF (Before Kids...or kid in out case), I was always in bed before 10 PM. Usually, it was more like 9 PM and by "in bed", I mean asleep on the couch in front of the TV snoring to my little heart's content, drowning out whatever show my husband was attempting to enjoy.
My husband on the other hand is a night hawk. He loves (loved) to stay up late watching wacky stuff on the space channel or thanks. He is a "sleeper inner" I guess opposites do attract.
Believe me, I wanted to stay up later, especially on weekends because I could sleep in the next day...or dream about sleeping in because I've never really been able to do that. I attribute that to my parents never allowing us to sleep past 9 AM as teenagers. When all my other friends we sleeping until noon, I was up and doing housework by 9 AM. I'm sure I'm a better person for it...not a better housekeeper...hence the housekeeping fairies I have.
I have this uncanny ability to sleep anywhere, during a party (even if I don't drink), in the car, in front of the TV. I once fell asleep while my father and husband drilled holes for wiring through 2x6's in our rec room ceiling. I woke up with wood shavings all over me...they thought it was hilarious. Of course, my father can't sleep in and can fall asleep anywhere as well, so maybe that's where I get it.
Now that N has arrived, the sleeping habits have completely flipped. As I am staying at home, it only makes sense that I do the late night top-up (in an attempt to encourage sleeping through the night...NOT working), get up for the wake-ups in the night and get up with N in the least during the work week.
I am staying up and watching TV, while C is falling asleep on the couch and crawling into bed far earlier than I have ever known him too. On the weekend, when Craig takes over some of these duties, I SLEEP IN.
Yeah I know, wierd eh?
I am a morning person too, and M a night person. However, babies tend to mess up your sleeping habits. The older he gets the more likely you will go back to your old ways.
I used to fall asleep at parties too! (I must have been having SO much fun I couldn't help myself)
Funny! Our joke is "It's almost 9:40PM". Whatever we are watching, I fall asleep during this commercial break on the couch. I wake to up Michael watching some sort of history channel or "Borne Identity" on HBO at 1AM. (which he's watched about a million times).
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