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Friday, June 16, 2006

I left my baby with someone else!

Today was the first day I left N with a caregiver. We just started having a sitter come in for a few hours on Fridays. We have known this woman for 5 years. She was the one of the caregivers for my cousins twins. She also used to walk our dog in the last 18 months of his life. She would take him out for a pee and spend some time with him while we worked. So it's not like she's a stranger.

She's been a few times to meet N and two Fridays ago spent three hours here. I stayed at home, and did stuff around the house while she took care of N. He made strange at first, but got comfortable pretty quickly.

Today, I was nervous, I'll admit, about leaving him. I actually felt a bit guilty...I don't know why. I almost cried when I pathetic am I? Anyway, I got some errands done, shopped for myself, etc. I was only gone for about 2 hours and N was good as gold while I was gone. I shouldn't be surprised. I just thought he would have a freak out once he realized I was gone. He's probably too young to realize that anyway.

When I did get home, he was napping and when he woke up, he was happy to see his Mommy and I snuggled with him for a while. I really missed him. What's it going to be like if/when I go back to work...lots of time to think about that I guess.

So now every Friday, I have about three hours to myself and I don't need to worry about N. I could get used to that :)


At 2:42 AM, Blogger Rhonda said...

Oh, I can imagine the emotions of leaving N with a caregiver. That would be tough.

At 9:55 PM, Blogger Jennefer said...

That is so sweet! You aren't pathetic to cry- you are a loving, devoted mom who wants perfect care for her son 24/7. That is only natural!

I am glad you forced yourself to go out though. It is so hard at first, but good for you to have some time for yourself.

At 6:27 PM, Blogger Mary said...

Even if that time was grocery shopping!

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Gaye and Andrew said...

Good for you...big step!! I did that last weekend...left Roman with his Grandma for a couple of hours. It was a strange feeling to leave...but amazing when I came home and he saw me and I realized how much I missed him :) gaye


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