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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Work, work, work

Well I'm two days into week 2 back on the job. I started a new job. Where else can you be off for 11 months and get promoted?!?

We are all adjusting quite well to the new schedule. The morning schedule is tight, a little hectic, but working so far. I am looking forward to the summer when there is no more snow suit!

Bubba is settling into his new daycare quite well. The two weeks prior to the official start I was to ease him in. Unfortunately, he spent most of January sick. We started the year with croop, followed by back-to-back ear infections, an almost constant temp above 100 for the month (or so it seemed) and vomitting, a reaction to his antibiotics...need I go on. So last Monday, we had to the dump & go. He cried hard and didn't eat much or sleep really well the first week. In the evenings, eh would cry if one of us left the room or his sight and going to and staying in bed were both huge challenge.

Things are getting better (quicker than I though) and he is back to eating like a champ, he is starting to sleep at daycare and having less anxiety. Yesterday's report said he was "happy"! Apparently he loves arts & crafts. His "teacher" said when they bring them out he drops what he's doing and races over to the table. Of course, glue tastes good :)

On another note (since I'm cathcing you up) bubba started walking. He's been doing so for about a month despite his illnesses. His record is 14 steps in a row. He is also doing purposeful direction changes and his balance is great. He also has 2 words - wow & uh-oh. So cute! Last night, after his dinner, he looked at me and clearly said "nana" twice. He usually has bananas for dessert, which he scarfs down. I think that's his third word, but we're not sure if it was coincidence.

I should get back to the job. The first two and a half days were quiet, then people realized I was here and my office is such a mess you'd never know I left.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger Jennefer said...

Glad to hear that he transitioned well and you even got promoted! I am going to have to think of something for when I start back in school next spring.

Congrats on the walking!


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