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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Daddy's got a new gig!

Congrats to my hubby on his new job! It will be nice to have him closer to home and arriving home after work each day.

Some history: late in 2005, my hubby applied for a job with our region doing what he does in the city of TO. Working in our region would mean closer to home, far less of a commute and more money! The week we found out about N, was the same week he had his final interview. He knew he was a shoe-in (so did I) but the timing wasn't the greatest. He hummed and hawed about the interview. When we discovered that we were going to have to take N out of town for foster care for a few weeks and the timing of that and the time/travel committment for us for the following weeks, he decided to try and reschedule, citing a "family emergency". They were very accomodating and he was able to do so.

Unfortunately, the reschedule still conflicted with our committment to our son and C felt strongly (as any good Dad would) about being with him and forgoing the interview even if it meant he had to wait to get the job. So he called the interviewer (his prospective boss) and explained the situation. She was so supportive and understanding. She told him that they were going to have to move on with the process but would like to interview him when we were settled back at home...that was March.

About 2 weeks ago, out of the blue, the HR person called and said there was an opening and would he be interested...YES! He dropped off some required paperwork within a few days and they called him back last Friday to discuss a start date. WOW! Two days prior to that we were hoping and wishing that would happen. I said to Craig that we needed to ask "The Big Guy" upstairs for a little help, even though we thought that we were all favoured-out...apparently not!

So after the Labour Day weekend, C starts his new job. We're not sure which of the three offices he'll be in, but the furthest would be a 35-40 minute drive vs. his current 1 1/2 hour commute (each way). The closest would be about 25-30 minutes away.

We have been blessed again.


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Congratulations, C! What great news!!

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a miracle. That is such a great story. C sounds like such a great guy. What a blessing!


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