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Monday, August 28, 2006

I love this kid sooo much!

Yesterday, our little boy was six months old! It amazes me how quickly time flies. I know, such an overused statement, but when you have kids this feeling becomes more real than ever. It's amazing how much he already knows in such a short time.

So here's a few things you might not know about this little cutie:

  1. Noah has many nicknames: Fuzzy Bunny, Grumpy Pants, Boo-Boo (which often turns into Bubba or Booby). He also gets called Fancy Pants, Monkey Man, Complainy Pants, Grumpy Guts or Twinkle Toes. But my personal favourite is Tooty McFartsalot...C named him that and it's soooo appropriate.
  2. He loves his bath...which wasn't always the case.
  3. When one of us goes into his room at night after he has wakened, as soon as he sees us, he rolls on his side, grabs his bear in a death grip, closes his eyes and opens his mouth for his soother. It's hilarious...even at 2:00 AM.
  4. He is very musical. He smiles when we sing, sometimes he even laughs.
  5. He is a dancing fool. He especially loves to dance naked (before bath) in front of the mirror. We sing "Do a little dance, sing a little song (instead of make a little love - the real words), get down tonight", then he burls his little feet on the counter, smiling the whole time.
  6. He is vane,vane, vane. He loves to look at himself in the mirror. There is a mirror on his play mat and you can often catch him holding the mirror against his face and kissing (licking) himself.
  7. He loves to look at pictures of himself (hence #6). He loves to watch the pictures roll over the screen of the laptop. When he sees one of himself with Daddy, he smiles. When he sees one of himself with Mommy, he looks at me then the picture. He's a smart little cookie.
  8. When he's really excited he growls.
  9. He almost always wakes up in a great mood. He greets you with a huge, beautiful smile, kicking his legs and flailing his arms in excitement.
  10. He loves the colour red.
  11. N can raise one eyebrow at a time. Neither C or I can do this, so he's developed this skill on his own.
  12. He is ticklish everywhere...just like Mommy.
  13. With the exception of a few, his favourite toys are the ones purchased at garage sales.
  14. N is a Momma's boy. He loves Daddy, don't get me wrong. If someone new holds him, he usually cries and looks at me, as if to say "save me". When he doesn't cry (which is rare) he doesn't take his eyes off of me and will strain, stretch and twist to follow me with his eyes if I move or leave the attachment issues here!
  15. He laughs at the funniest things. When C says 'is that too tight?", he giggles. If we make a buzzing sound, he giggles. If I sing and flair my hair around, he giggles. He's such a character.
  16. He knows how to flirt. A few weeks ago in a restaurant, as the waitress took our order, he looked up at her, smiled and touched her side ever so gently. Of course, she was taken with most women are. We are going to have to beat the girls off when he's older.
  17. He loves people, except when they try to hold him (#14). He especially loves watching kids...they always make him smile.
  18. He is so eager to show his smile, except when the camera is on. Then he just stares at the red light on the front with his mouth gaping open...not his best look.
  19. He loves the phone. If he's a little grumpy, I will pick up our cordless phone and either turn it on so he hears the dial tone or press some buttons...both make him smile.
  20. He loves books. Mostly he likes to chew them, but he will always listen to the story first.
  21. Napping in his crib is OK, but napping in the stroller, the car, outside in his swing or in church is so much better.
  22. He has developed dimples...just like Daddy.
  23. His bellybotton collects water, just like Daddy.
  24. He loves being outdoors, going for a walk or a swing or just sitting on the front step and watching cars. When we rented a cabin up north in July, he loved the patio surrounded by trees. He talked to them everytime he was outside.
  25. He's tough as nails. He constantly bumps his head and it doesn't even fizz him. He had is two six-month shots today at the doctor's office and he let out two little wimpers. I think I was more upset by the needles than he was.

There is so many more wonderful things about Noah...I will save some for later post. We have been blessed with such a beautiful boy!


At 8:52 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

6 months already. Wow. He sounds like a such a wonderful boy! I'm so glad he fell in your lap in such a serendipitous way!

At 9:14 AM, Blogger Lauren said...

What a wonderful post. I am glad you are putting these things in print so that you will always remember. The time does fly by so fast....

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Ms. Skywalker said...

What a beautiful tribute to your son! Aren't baby nicknames the best? I made a book for my eldest daughter with all of the nicknames that I called her...she loves it to this day, and I gave it to her three years ago.


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