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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Frogs & Unwanted Calories

Happy Hallowe'en!!!

I love Hallowe'en and even more this year. Bubba's first Hallowe'en. We went to a grand total of 4 houses - our cousins' and three neighbours! He had no idea why we were doing this, but didn't complain and Mommy & Daddy got his candies. I've already downed almost a whole box of mini chocolate bars, so I didn't really need more. Bubba was a froggy...isn't he cute???

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

My New Workout Routine

It has been 12 days since Bubba started crawling and everyday he gets faster and more stable. It's so cute to see him venture around. Yesterday, he started crawling out of my site. Of course, no good can come from this as he is usually headed for something he's not supposed to have.

He has kept me a lot busier since he started moving. I really have to be careful and super fast if I walk into the next room. Even with a very open-concept house, there are still lots of places to hide. I am making more use of the "pack-n-play" than ever before. He really quite likes it in there with all his toys. He scratches at the side like he's a prisoner that wants out, but then gives me his big cheese-ball grin...

and continues playing with his toys. When Bubba is not in the pack-n-play or the of life's GREATEST inventions...I am spending time between the fireplace and the plants. A few days ago, he discovered the guitars and amps...I really need to get my butt in gear and move those, and yesterday he discovered the CD stand...why don't we just get an iPod like everyone else and get rid of those damn things!

It's amazing that the 50 or so toys strewn about the livingroom aren't enough distraction from the things Bubba is not allowed to touch. He does have one weakness though...a tower! I build towers out of all kinds of different toys. If he sees one, he races over and knocks it down...usually on his way to the fireplace. So I build a lot of towers!

We are also finding ourselves looking for interesting ways to say "no". Since no is part of his name, I spend my day saying things like, "that's not a toy", or "that's not for Bubba/a baby", or "that's Mommy & Daddy's", or "ta-ta". I say "Bubba" (in that tone of voice, like what are you getting into) to which he may pause, look over his shoulder with a mischievous grin and continue toward whatever off-limits object he's after.

We are visiting Nanny & Bampa and Granny's houses this out animals!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

...and then there were four

It's taken me a week to post about this...shame on me!

On Wednesday, October 11th a new cousin arrived in the family. My sister and her husband had there second little girl (MJL)! She was 6lbs 14oz and only 17 3/4 long (shrimp!) just like her Mom. Older sister E (2 1/2) is half excited and half jealous. I know she will be a great big sister (once she gets over the shock of sharing everything and everyone with little M)!

So that's three cousins for Bubba. He's still the only boy! Christmas at Nanny & Bampa's will be busy! I can just see cousin E as the ring leader with Bubba in tow tormenting the cat and dog, knocking down the Christmas tree and tearing the house apart!

Isn't family great!

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Movin' on up...

...or should I say around.

Yesterday, Bubba started crawling!!! He has been on the verge for a while, getting up on all fours and rocking mostly. In the last few weeks, he would shuffle his little knees (so cute!) but his hands would be stationary. Then he started moving his hands forward, but would forget to move his knees and he would do a bellyflop.

About a week ago, he started taking 1-2 crawling "steps" then bellyflopping. Then yesterday, he took 4 in a row! I was up with him alone when he did it, so I grabbed him and put him into the middle of the floor for him to do it again, but of course he wasn't interested in showing off...yet.

Then a little while later while we were playing, he crawled (more than 4 steps) toward his butterfly (favourite toy). So I took the butterfly and went about 3 feet away. He got up on all fours with a determined look on his face. He stayed like that for about 30 seconds, then he started his little shuffle crawling...his knees move a litle faster than his hands. I counted 20 "steps" and he had reached me!!!

We spent the rest of the day making him crawl to different things which he was pretty eager to do, each time we would cheer and kiss him...he doesn't understand why Mommy & Daddy are acting so weird. We have video and I will try to post it once we figure it out.

We did hit Toys*R*Us yesterday for two more gates. Although Bubba hasn't ventured out of the living/dining room yet, it's only a matter of time. Gotta go baby proof!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Mastercard Moment

Camera & Batteries: $200

Spoon & Bowl set: $5

Tasting cottage cheese for the first time: PRICELESS!!!

Internet Code Name

I have decided that N needs an internet code name rather than going by his first initial all the time.

After careful consideration of the many options:

Tooty (we may get a lot of hits from "Facts of Life" fans);
Grumpy Drawers (too long to type);
Stinky (he might get a complex);
No-No (perhpas a bit negative);
George or Frank (confusing as neither are his name); or
Destructo-Baby (again, too long to type).

I have decided to go with "Bubba".

So from now on, when you see Bubba you will know who I am referring to.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Gobble, Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!

We just celebrated (Canadian) Thanksgiving this past weekend. Every year we take the 4 hour trek up north to visit our families for Thanksgiving. We are fortunate that both our families live within minutes of one another so C and I can travel between the two houses with ease and see everyone. My grandparents are also close by.

This year was a bit different with a child in tow. You have to take into consideration his sleep/eat schedule for a 4-hour tour. In addition, when we finally reached our destination, we had to plan our outings around naps, meals and bedtime. Before we even left, we had planned out our whole weekend around N's schedule, ensuring we saw everyone for an appropriate amount of time...or should I say, everyone saw N for an appropriate amount of time. We had all the necessities to ensure he was comfortable whereever we were, including toys, a portable high chair and the good old pack-n-play. There were also the needs of Mommy & Daddy to consider when planning such an event. We are used to enjoying two (yup two) turkey dinners, one as C's Mom's and one at my parent's house. You can't break 14 years of tradition.

We were able to stick to our plan, fit in all our visits, two turkey dinners and kept N on schedule no matter where we were. Unfortunately he's working on tooth #3 and sleeping was a bit of an issue for all of us, but we managed. N was also great with all the new faces and the hugs and kisses. He was good to go to people, hopefully he's growing out of this making strange phase. I must say, by Sunday night back in the familiar setting of Nanny & Bampa's he looked a bit distressed when my sister, brother-in-law, his mother and my mom's second cousin walked in for dinner. Of course, when cousin E entered the room, all was good again.

Hope you enjoyed your weekend and if you celebrated Thanksgiving were with family and friends and had a great time.

We have so much to be thankful this year!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Hand-me-downs ROCK!!!

My "giant baby" is growing like a weed! He's 7 months (and a bit) old and he is 25 lbs and 33 inches long! You might be thinking he's tipping the scale in the fatty department, but he's not. He's off the charts for his age in both weight and height. I'm sure I've mentioned before that his birth parents (birth father particularily) are both tall people, so N towers over most kids his age. Both C and I are tall, so we all fit together nicely!

N is growing very quickly out of everything he owns. There is some stuff he wears only once and some not at all, because I didn't get to it soon enough!

Everynight after bath, we go through 2 or 3 sleepers before we find one that fits well enough so we can put him to bed comfortably. This is no easy task, because when N is tired, he's tired, and dressing him 2 and 3 times is not his ideas of a walk in the park. So I decided yesterday, while in "Wally World" (aka Wal-Mart) that I would pick up some more jammies for the kid. I got some 2-piecers to try and get a bit more life out of them...with an undershirt and socks, he's good to go a little longer than he would in a traditional sleeper. We got martian, emergency vehicle and workin' man jammies, 6 pairs in total.

We're also growing out of daytime clothes as well, so I decided before buying any of those, I should go through our 3 bins of hand-me-downs (we actually have 2 more that are size 2-4). I managed to find some 12-month stuff which he'll be into soon and guess what else I found...yup, jammies...tons of them! The jammie drawer is bursting at the seams now. The good news, I can probaby do N-laundry ever second week, because there are so many clothes! Can't complain about that. Keep the hand-me-downs coming!