Getting a little cabin fever here...
It's only Wednesday and it feels like it's been a long week already. Not to mention that for the second day in a row, we've been up since 5:30 and although it's only 10:25, it feels like the middle of the afternoon.
The weather here has been unbelievable. The heatwave is here, as it is almost everywhere. Monday and Tuesday were far, far, far too hot and HUMID to take N outside for a walk. With the humidex it was between 38C & 42C!!! That's 'I can't breathe' weather. And today, of course it's raining. I need to go outside!
N still has his cold (and Mommy has it too). This cold has created some new behaviour. First of all, we have stopped eating...well not entirely, but only a few ounces at a time vs. 6 oz every 4 or so hours. When he should be eating (according to the schedule he's had since birth) he doesn't want to and screams when the bottle is put in his mouth. When he does finally decid to eat, he only eats a few ounces and usually falls asleep during the feed. I normally wouldn't condone "grazing", but he's sick so I'm letting him do it so he'll eat something. Of course, he's hungry and has digressed to getting up in the night again. Go figure, this is the only time he takes a whole bottle.
Sleeping has also taken on new meaning as well. N has taken to cat napping for most of the day since Sunday. The extra sleep is due to the cold, I know, but the naps are at most an hour (which is rare...more like 30-45 minutes) at a time. The poor little guy is really out of sorts. I am letting him sleep wherever he's comfortable. Right now he's on the couch beside me and I've set up the pac'n'play in the living room too so he's not spending (what may seem like) the entire day in his room/crib.
Although he's a bit fussy, the great thing is that, for the most part, N is very happy...playing and smiling as usual.
I must go, I think it's clearing up outside and we could go for a walk...YEAH!!!