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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Getting a little cabin fever here...

It's only Wednesday and it feels like it's been a long week already. Not to mention that for the second day in a row, we've been up since 5:30 and although it's only 10:25, it feels like the middle of the afternoon.

The weather here has been unbelievable. The heatwave is here, as it is almost everywhere. Monday and Tuesday were far, far, far too hot and HUMID to take N outside for a walk. With the humidex it was between 38C & 42C!!! That's 'I can't breathe' weather. And today, of course it's raining. I need to go outside!

N still has his cold (and Mommy has it too). This cold has created some new behaviour. First of all, we have stopped eating...well not entirely, but only a few ounces at a time vs. 6 oz every 4 or so hours. When he should be eating (according to the schedule he's had since birth) he doesn't want to and screams when the bottle is put in his mouth. When he does finally decid to eat, he only eats a few ounces and usually falls asleep during the feed. I normally wouldn't condone "grazing", but he's sick so I'm letting him do it so he'll eat something. Of course, he's hungry and has digressed to getting up in the night again. Go figure, this is the only time he takes a whole bottle.

Sleeping has also taken on new meaning as well. N has taken to cat napping for most of the day since Sunday. The extra sleep is due to the cold, I know, but the naps are at most an hour (which is rare...more like 30-45 minutes) at a time. The poor little guy is really out of sorts. I am letting him sleep wherever he's comfortable. Right now he's on the couch beside me and I've set up the pac'n'play in the living room too so he's not spending (what may seem like) the entire day in his room/crib.

Although he's a bit fussy, the great thing is that, for the most part, N is very happy...playing and smiling as usual.

I must go, I think it's clearing up outside and we could go for a walk...YEAH!!!

American Woman...Get Away From Me

RELAX...this isn't an anti-American post.

When I was growing up, I took piano lessons. All my sibs did, although I did this the longest. I studied the standard "Royal Conservatory" cirriculum and was tested each year by the Conservatory. I had some talent (toot, toot) and enjoyed it most of the time. I'm not one of these people that can play anything by ear. I need music and I have to practice. I do have the ability to memorize stuff easily though, which was always a necessity for the RC exams.

But sometimes I didn't want to do it and most of the time I hated practicing. This would lead to a fight usually and I would always lose and would have to practice my prerequisite 1/2 hour a day. My Dad (an accompished guitarist who can't read a note) would always butter me up by telling my he loved hearing me play, so I would practice. Just the other night, we were watching America's Funniest Home Videos and there was a video of a little girl practicing her piano and crying while doing it. I turned to C and said, "I remember a few times like that as a kid". It's funny now.

There are ten grades of Royal Conservatory. The last two are to develop one into a teacher. I took seven. I was in high school by then and had a very busy schedule. My mother told me I was old enough to decide what I wanted to do and I chose sports. I regret "quitting" piano, but I still play sometimes when I visit my parents.

Now, as an adult, I take guitar lessons. I started a few years ago. Now, unlike when I was younger, I want to practice at least a 1/2 hour a day. My teacher is 19 and an AMAZING guitarist! He can play anything! I just give him a CD with a song I want to learn and he listens to it and plays it back almost perfectly!

But tonight is my last lesson until choice. Since Noah's arrival I am having trouble either finding time or having the energy to practice. Every week on Wednesday, I practice before my lesson. I feel like I'm cramming for an exam...not exactly fair to my teacher and a waste of his & my time and my money.

I'm sad that I won't be going to lessons for a few months. But I have the summer to perfect American Woman...The Guess Who version (only the original will do).

Sunday, May 28, 2006

That's a first...

We've had our first cold & fever.

With all our company this weekend for the baby shower, our little man slept in our room last night. It turns out that he's noisy...or so I thought. There was a lot of grunting and groaning coming from the end of our bed. At 3:00, he woke...this hasn't happened in a while. He felt hot, but seemed to cool, particularily after being completely changed due to a "pee-thru".

But at our new wake up time (5:30) he felt hot again and when he had two bites of his bottle and fell back into a deep sleep, I pulled out the thermometer....100.1F. Not bad, but high enough for a little Tylenol.

Daddy started a cold a few days ago and even though he washed his hands lots and was careful about kissing Noah, he still contracted the cold. Now I understand all the noise...loud breathing, coughing, etc.

Noah has been in good spirits all day, regardless of the fever and cold. He has slept most of the day... on Mommy or Daddy. It turns out we softies. The fever is now gone and he's gone to bed.

The first our many germs to go through this house. I hope not to get it, 'cause I hate a summer cold.

Friday, May 26, 2006

The Year of the Family

No this is not a new fangled year on the Chinese's my family's year to bring in the babies. I am the oldest of four. I have two bros and a sis and we are keeping my parents (Nanny & Bampa*) very busy.

Craig & I started the Year of the Family with Noah, born in February. My littlest brother and girlfriend are having a baby in July and my sister is having her second in October. Her little girl, E is 2. When you ask her what's in Mommy's tummy, she claps her little hands and says "baby". "Baby" incidentally is what she calls all her dolls and stuffed animals as well, so she's in for a bit of a shock. My other bro and his wife are talking we're all very busy.

Tomorrow, Craig & I are hosting a baby shower for my little bro and his girlfriend. We love to host parties and this one will be no different. It is a family affair and the weather looks GREAT! We will have a few games (even the men will play), some gifts, some good eats and a few drinks and some family time...the best part.

It is 10:00 and we have pretty much finished our prep. This is the first party or get together of any significance we have hosted since Noah's arrival and I must say that puts a pretty interesting spin on things. Of course he was Thursday Noah all day, so it wasn't too tough.

We are all so fortunate and have lots to celebrate.

*Bampa: this is Grandpa in E talk. Now we all call Grandpa Bampa and she may never learn how to say it properly.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

I can't imagine...

Try to imagine, if you can, not being able hold your child, to kiss your child, to touch your baby's cheek. This couple goes through that everyday. I encourage you to read about them and their story.

Our son, born around the same time as theirs, is perfect health. We can kiss him as many times we want in a day, touch him, tickle him, hug him, hold him skin to skin...all in the comfort of our own home.

I can't imagine...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Cage Match: Wednesday Noah vs. Thursday Noah

This was last was like the dualling good and evil twins. Luckily most days are 90%+ Thursday Noah...enjoy.

Wednesday Noah:

I know my sock is missing and I don't know where it is and I don't care. It's been missing for some time and none of us have bothered to look for it.

The highlight of my day was sleeping through until 5:00 AM. But then I was up for the day. Sure I napped, but only in 15 minute intervals throughout the day and I ate just as sporadically.

By the time Daddy got home from work, I was in fine form and I proceeded to scream my head off from about 5 PM to 8 PM...perhaps I had gas, perhaps I just felt like it. If you think I look frazzled, you should have seen Mommy & Daddy.

Thursday Noah:

Once again I slept through until 5:00 AM, but after breakfast I went back to sleep and let Mommy sleep until 8:30. I'm such a good son.

I had two 45 minute morning naps and in between them, I played quietly while Mommy got ready for the day. During the second nap, Mommy was able to run some errands and I slept soundly in my car seat until she was done.

After lunch I played until I was the perfect amount of tired and then I let Mommy rock me to sleep. I slept for 3 1/4 hours and by the time Daddy got home I was full of smiles and ready to play. I went to bed without incident and hope to sleep until at least 5:00 AM again...for Mommy.

I wonder what I'll be like on Friday???

Sunday, May 14, 2006

A Mother's Day Message to My Son

Dear Sweetheart,

Thank you for my first Mother's Day. Every day is Mother's Day and today was extra special. I love you with all my heart and soul! I loved you from the moment I layed eyes on you and I love you more everyday.

I love everything about you. I love your eyes. They are so bright. I love the way they crinkle at the side when you smile and the way they light up when you see Mommy & Daddy.

I love your ears. They are so soft and perfect. I love your little button nose and I love to kiss it. I love your little mouth. I love the way you open it so wide when you smile. You have such a beautiful smile and it melts my heart everytime I see it. I love the stories you tell and the expressions you make try to get those sounds out.

I love the way you smell all the time. I love to smell the top of your head and breath in your smell. I love the way the little hairs on the top of your head tickle my nose. One of my favourite things to do is to smell your smell.

I love your little hands. I love the dimples you have on each knuckle and I love the feeling of your little fingers wrapped around mine. I love your legs. You have the best rolls on your thighs. I love the dimples on your knees. I love the way you hold then straight as a board when you are stretching.

I love your toes. They are like little jelly rolls and they have the most sweet wonderful smell (even when they are stinky). I love the way they grab my lips when I kiss them. I love your cute little bum. You have the softest, cutest little cheeks. I love you "big" belly. I love your little belly button (half innie, half outie).

I love the sounds you make when you are eating. I can tell you enjoy every bite by the way your little toys wiggle as you eat. I love the way you snuggle your face against me when you are trying to fall asleep and the way you hold the collar of my shirt when you are sleeping. I love the grunts you make when you are waking up and the look of joy on your face when Mommy or Daddy come into your room to get you out of bed.

I love to watch you and Daddy together. You have these wonderful 'conversations' and you love playing with your Daddy. It is a wonderful sight for Mommy and it almost always brings tears to my eyes when you are having Baby & Daddy time.

You are the most beautiful child. Mommy & Daddy are so blessed to have you. Thank you for coming into our lives.

I love you, love you, love you!

Thank you for making me a Mommy!

Love Always, Mommy